North Temperate Lakes (NTL) Long-term Ecological Research site is committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion both internally and in the broader communities in which we operate. As we work to understand and address environmental problems that affect society, we recognize that our efforts are strengthened by engaging people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

We work closely with the Center for Limnology’s (CFL) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee to achieve our DEI goals. There is substantial overlap between the NTL and CFL communities with 67% of principal investigators, 100% of staff, 100% of postdocs, and 61% of graduate students part of the NTL project also members of the CFL. Additionally, many training and professional development opportunities for the NTL community are hosted through the Freshwater and Marine Sciences Graduate Program weekly seminar series. Over 75% of NTL PIs that are able to serve as graduate advisors are faculty of the Freshwater and Marine Sciences program. 

CFL Committee on DEI

Mission Statement: The CFL Committee on DEI aims to promote and support a diverse and inclusive CFL. The committee initiates actions that foster diversity, equity and inclusivity, with emphasis on representation, equity, access and belonging. 

Committee makeup: The committee includes broad representation in terms of age, career stage, employment category (graduate students, postdocs, academic staff, University staff, faculty), race, ethnicity, nationality, background, gender and ability. To support continuity of efforts and multi-year initiatives, the chair for the subsequent year’s committee will be selected from the current year’s members. 

Overarching Goals

  • To increase diversity* among undergraduates, graduate students, and staff – both at CFL itself and within the discipline of Limnology
  • To take actions to make both the physical environment and the community itself more welcoming and inclusive, particularly for new students and staff
  • To motivate other CFL committees to address diversity, equity inclusivity, and climate issues 4. To provide training and education opportunities relating to diversity, equity and inclusivity, and to assess and address new and emerging climate issues

*We consider diversity in the broadest sense to include gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, sexual identity, religion, educational background, nationality, geographic origin, ability